The end of summer is upon us

A great bounty of summer vegetables is coming to a close.

It’s Hard to beat a “jersey” tomato

In my garden we harvested many varieties of delicious Heirloom tomatoes,from big to small & all colors of the rainbow.

It’s hard to pick a favorite,

but the green and yellow are my favorite,can’t get enough.

As it gets colder,the unripe tomatoes still on the vine will be picked and marinated or breaded and fried.

For now every night is a tomato salad w/grilled fish or grilled steak,it’s always a treat..And simple & fresh.

Simply dice the tomatoes w/thinly slice shallots,good quality extra virgin olive oil,salt & pepper,squeezing the tomatoes as you mix it will create a homogoneus sauce FANTASTIC.A good variation is adding arugula,or a good cheese,like gorgonzola,Parmigiano or mozzarella.

Don’t throw these overiped tomatoes.

They make an incredible sauce for pasta,

(sugo crudo) uncooked tomato sauce

Simply blanche tomatoes in boiling Water for approximately 2 min,drop in ice water bowl,peel tomatoes squeeze out seeds,place in blender,add couple garlic cloves,(remembering that the garlic flavor will intensifiy as it sits), fresh basil leaves,extra virgin oil,salt & pepper,pulse until smooth,add hot pasta in bowl and mix in sauce,you top with anything you like,,Try fresh mozzarela,poached shrimps,or just as is..


Onto the fall .


winter bounty